ENHANCE: Matrix Edition

A Workforce Development Solution for Today and Tomorrow

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business world, the ENHANCE programme stands as a beacon of innovation, aiming to foster a culture of continuous learning and wellbeing in the workplace. Leveraging the BrainHQ platform, the ENHANCE programme is designed to augment business performance, talent pipelines, skill acquisition, and social value through a proven workforce development solution.

Matrix Workforce Development Solution
Happy group of employees in teamwork and collaboration from Adobe Stock

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business world, the ENHANCE programme stands as a beacon of innovation, aiming to foster a culture of continuous learning and wellbeing in the workplace. Leveraging the BrainHQ platform, the ENHANCE programme is designed to augment business performance, talent pipelines, skill acquisition, and social value through a proven workforce development solution. 

Backing this initiative is a recent study that underlines the tangible benefits of neurocognitive training. The research involved a group of employees who underwent a neurocognitive training programme, showcasing a notable increase in cognitive efficiency post-training. The high-training group witnessed a 12% surge in cognitive efficiency, a metric derived from accuracy and speed, while the low-training group saw a 5% increase. Moreover, participants reported a qualitative enhancement in productivity and mental performance. 

The ENHANCE: Matrix Edition is not just a step but a giant leap towards cultivating a healthier, more productive, and socially responsible business environment. It’s where business acumen meets workforce development, paving the way for a business revolution where wellbeing is not just a priority but a guarantee.



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The CREATE Coaching Framework

What if something is too good?
What if the list of benefits is so long that it’s difficult to find a niche?
These are challenges faced by ENHANCE as a result of the broad range of positive outcomes that it delivers

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