Physical Activity

This course shows how increasing physical activity levels within a mentoring programme can be both an outcome in itself and a method of delivering other outcomes.
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Physical Activity

Course Objective

To model a mentoring approach that overcomes barriers to achieving recommended levels of physical activity and realising the associated benefits of leading an active lifestyle.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain why physical inactivity is a major concern for society in terms of health and the economy
  2. Outline the recommended weekly levels of moderate and vigorous physical activity
  3. Describe the neurological response to exercise and how this improves cognitive performance
  4. Explain organisational benefits of a physically active workforce and methods they could employ to nurture this culture
  5. Apply four behaviour change strategies that have proven to be effective in increasing levels of physical activity
  6. Frame physical activity within the wider context of an individual’s life within mentoring conversations


During the course, Zoe is going to be the main focus of your attention. You work in the same organisation and you have some concerns about Zoe’s future within it. Although you are not close as colleagues, you observe a change in her behavior that is a cause of some concern for you. A change in your own circumstances catapults you into a position where you could continue observing Zoe’s deterioration or get closer to her to try and help.

The course is split across three lessons with each one containing different mentoring challenges for you to solve. Within each lesson, we ask you a series of questions where you will have some research to do using the links provided. These articles, videoclips and websites are accessed using the “Materials” tab which you will see above the scenario details and also above the assessment questions.

These resources will not hand you the assessment answers immediately. You will need to read and digest them to find the specific pieces of information needed to answer the questions. This will have the effect of cementing the learning in your memory as you use what learning psychologists call “active processing” to understand the materials and extract the information you need. If you get an answer wrong, don’t despair; go back and look again. All the information you need is there to be found. Remember that one or more of the options may be correct for each assessment question. Select as many of the options as you think are applicable.

Course Designer

John has worked in the education and professional development sectors for over 25 years. His health mentoring programmes have benefited thousands of people in schools, colleges, universities and workplaces and he continues to pioneer new ways of enhancing learning, wellbeing and performance.

Physical Activity

This course includes:


Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have before signing up for this course.